God Expressions in YOU : Life, Love and Light – Shaun

When I think of the three words Light, Life and Love, they have some common qualities that are all consuming and unstoppable, these qualities being, energy and power. These can be felt, touched, experienced and have the need to be expressed. God’s Be-ing and His nature are described as “Light, Life, Love”, and if we dig deeper into the meaning and expression of these three words, it gives us a very good idea of who, what and how He expresses Himself in US!


Light is so beautiful and pure, and yet very powerful. When we compare light and darkness, there is no comparison, because they are so far apart in likeness. Light dispels darkness completely, but darkness cannot dispel light. What does Light and darkness mean when looking at scriptures like: John 1:9 “He was the true Light, which enlightens every person coming to the world” ? I believe that mankind was darkened in there true origin, image and likeness by participating in an external influence, separate from Truth and that Jesus came to enlighten and return every man back into their true origin, image and likeness, which is my only true “Identity”. Jesus is MY “I AM”, my only true reference to me. Francois beautifully illustrates this in the Mirror translation:

Col 1:15 Mirror Translation: In him the image and likeness of God is made visible in human life in order that every one may recognize their true origin in him. He is the firstborn of every creature. (What darkness veiled from us he unveiled. In him we clearly see the mirror reflection of our original life. The son of his love gives accurate evidence of his image in human form. God can never again be invisible!)

Col 2:9-10 Mirror Translation: It is in Christ that God finds an accurate and complete expression of himself, in a human body! (While the expanse cannot measure or define God, his exact likeness is displayed in human form. Jesus proves that human life is tailor-made for God!)10. Jesus mirrors our completeness and endorses our true identity. He is “I am” in us. (God packaged completeness in “I am,” mirrored in you! Delay is outdated! We are not dealing with “I used to be”, or “I’m striving to be”; we are celebrating, “I am”! The word, arche, means chief in rank. The word, exousia, is often translated as meaning authority; its components are, ek + eimi, originating out of “I am.” The days are over where our lives were dictated to under the rule of the law of performance and an inferior identity. [See Col 1:19] The full measure of everything God has in mind for man indwells him.

“Your own completeness is only realised in him.” – Phillips Translation.)


There is no darkness in Light; darkness is unable to survive Light! We are perfectly designed “Light carriers” and this light of God shines in and through us to dispel all darkness in our path. When you are being your true self, the light in you is enjoyed, and your life naturally brings light to others.


Life for me can be understood more clearly when I look at nature. When I think and meditate on a seed, it blows my mind! The seed has been created from the overflow of life in a plant. A plant has an excess of life in itself and this life bursts into fruit. Within the fruit is a seed which contains the DNA of another plant of its kind. When looking at a seed at face value, it looks lifeless and dead, but within that seemingly lifeless, dead shell, it has the power of life and everything it needs to express itself in its mature, grown form. We too have this beautiful LIFE within each one of us! Everything that you need to be fully YOU, exists within you, just like the seed has all the life it needs to become a tree. Whenever we express our true selves, or purposely draw out the innocence in another person, we are being life givers as our Father is. Being my true self, is seeing myself and others as our Father sees us; this was fully revealed in the life of Jesus.


God (Love) has NO needs, only an intense passion and desire to share and express by giving of Himself. His Love is motivated by Him BE-ing Himself! The power of love is this, that He doesn’t need our validation, our response, permission or our receiving buttons to be on. He gives Love unconditionally! God’s love for mankind is not from an “I need to” bases, but from an “I want to” bases. God chose to love humanity while we were dead in our sins. Even though humanity murdered Him, He still loved us back. What an awesome love this is! Love needs no excuse, no reason or motivation to love; only the intense overflow of Himself that automatically expresses LOVE. When we start to see ourselves the way our Father see us, (our redeemed image and likeness, Jesus), we begin to live in the same way God does, and that is from an “I want to” bases, and NOT an “I need to” bases; I Love the way God introduces Himself as “I AM”, because you cannot express “I AM” without including yourself. God has designed man in such a way that God and man can only fully be themselves in union with each other.